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In this guide, we will help you check the seller's status.
After that it will be easy for you to distinguish whether the seller is there or not
To do this, go to the official page of the seller HAYTA
As we can see from the image below âŦī¸ the seller's status on the site is now ONLINE and we can quickly contact him, using the "Ask a question" button
After pressing the "Ask a question" button, the chat room opens, see the images above âŦī¸
In this chat we see a welcome automatically generated message from which it is clear that the seller is in place and will respond to you shortly.
Please, if suddenly the seller does not get in touch or you're waiting a long time, check his status is not too lazy to press a couple of buttons to see if he is online or not.
This text in the welcome messages is set by the seller and therefore is subject to change, so don't be lazy to check and you will always be up to date.